Global anti-corruption initiative (GACI) is a legal entity not for profit organization registered in Uganda by the registrar of companies (URSB).
Certificate No.80020002504170 with a major aim of fighting corruption , promotion of rule of law, good governance and accountability and services delivery in both state, government and non-state entities and donor’s agencies.
We have offices in Uganda and other chapters in different countries in the world.
The create and ensure a corrupt free society by promoting citizen’s awareness, and engagement in the fight against corruption in Uganda, east Africa, Africa and the world at large.
A global Center of excellence in values ethics, service delivery, transparency and accountability.
To promote consciousness about corruption and society that espouses value systems and principals of transparency and accountability.
To condemn bribery and corruption vigorously wherever it has been liability identified
To equip civil society with skills, knowledge , conviction, conference & methods of effectively fighting corruption.
To carry out investigations with government and non-governmental bodies and submits findings/ reports to relevant government authorities in charge of investigations and prosecutions.